
Founded in 2014 and published by V & R unipress based in Göttingen, Germany, the Alexander Kluge-Jahrbuch is a trilingual, peer-reviewed yearbook dedicated to fostering the critical study of every aspect of Alexander Kluge’s work: literature, film, television, theory and new media.

Administered by an five-member editorial board as well as a twenty-member advisory board, the yearbook calls on expertise from specialists from around the world. Kluge and his staff are committed to making both new and old material (from Kluge’s Vorlass) accessible to the yearbook as well.

The yearbook publishes innovative contributions (in English, French or German) on Kluge voluminous work. To this end, it also serves as an international platform bringing together a wide range of disciplines, theoretical approaches, and regional and generational dialogues that have already made Alexander Kluge’s oeuvre a rich site of critical inquiry.