Submission Guidelines and Style Sheet

The Alexander Kluge Jahrbuch welcomes innovative submissions from scholars working across the humanities and social sciences. The yearbook publishes in English, French and German. Published by German publishing house, the yearbook asks that submissions abide by the following general guidelines:

  • Paper size: DIN-A4
  • Font: Time New Roman, 12 point
  • Total length: maximum 18 pages (contributions shorter than this maximum are welcome)
  • Margins: one inch (2.5 cm)
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Critical Apparatus: Footnotes. Bibliographies / list of works cited are not used in the yearbook.
  • Illustrations: Image files should be no less than 300-dpi saved in tiff format and named numerically beginning with “fig001.tif.” Every illustration should be accompanied by a caption listed in order at the end of the submission. References to individual illustrations in the body of the text should read as “(see fig. 1)” / “(siehe Abbildung 1)”
  • Format: Word (.doc or .docx)

Accepted articles for publication also require a five-sentence biography of the author that includes both current institutional affiliation and a brief list of most important publications.

For detailed information about formatting images, see V&R unipress’s guidelines for formatting manuscripts (in German).

The yearbook asks that authors follow the attached style sheet (in German and English) that addresses in detail how to format footnotes and abbreviations.

Unsolicited submissions should be sent to the editorial board no later than May 1 in any given year using the following address: